Cyber Threat And Hacking: A Bigger Concern For Small Business Owners

Cyber security: the most debated topic in the world is a matter of concern today. In the present times, most of daily business is conducted over the World Wide Web and small and medium sized firms mainly face challenges in terms of keeping their information safe and secure. By now, regardless of your business size, nobody is kept immune from cyber breach risks and dangers. Having no protection means inviting vulnerabilities to your system and letting go off your important data in the hands of online thieves.

Do Hackers Really Target Small Firms

Big companies such as Home Depot, Target and Sony became the talk of town by becoming the victim of hackers. With big organizations, small businesses are targets too. A recent survey by the National Small Business Association revealed that nearly half of all small businesses are targeted by attackers.

Do Not Consider Yourself To Be Safe. If you think your business is too small to get attracted by hackers, then think again. The 2012 Data Breach Investigations Study by Verizon showed 855 data breaches wherein 71 percent happened in firms with less than 100 employees. The 2013 report of Verizon showed increasing record numbers on small business. Nearly one in five small businesses are victimized by cyber criminals every year. As per the National Cyber Security Alliance, 60% firms lose their business within six months after the threat.

Why Small Businesses Are Targeted By Online Attackers?

Online scammers are a big time favorite of small firms. Reason is that most of them do not have security approach in place, own a security expert on staff or policies restraining the online activities of their employees. This makes them vulnerable to hackers.

How to Secure Your Business?

There are ample of security solutions that can strengthen your network system. Here are some of the few options small business owners should consider.

Get Expert’s Advise

The first and the foremost thing is taking the advice of an expert. This necessarily does not mean you should hire a full-time IT professional. Such services can be outsourced which works best for small industries.

Install Anti- Malware Software

Use anti-malware or antivirus solutions. This is really simple, however, most of the firms don’t even consider such basic services. Make sure you use good software. To add on, ensure to add firewalls to your defenses which is most likely to block unsolicited access attempts.

Secure Your Wi-Fi

Unsecured wireless networks is the access point for attackers. Make sure that your router is password protected.

Get Insured

Unfortunately, no system is 100% hacker proof. However, it would be best to buy insurance. Many of the premiums could be as low as $1,000 a year for $1 million in coverage which features the efficiency to cover losses caused during an attack.

Encrypt Your Data

Encryption is the best tool to consider if in case your information is stolen. For instance, if you lose your USB thumb drive or your hard drive is stolen, your data cannot be read if it is encrypted.

Implement the above simple solutions and prevent the hackers to sniff your data.

1 comment: Leave Your Comments

  1. I've been using AVG security for a number of years, I'd recommend this solution to everyone.

